Caroline Hui is an occupational therapist working with children and their families since 1991.
She has worked in British Columbia, Quebec, and on the west coast of Florida. In Florida, she cofounded Children’s Therapy Associates, a multidisciplinary clinic still running successfully today.
Caroline returned to Quebec in 2002 and noted the few options for continuing education available to therapists in the province, hence the birth of Choose to Learn.
Since then, Caroline has organized and hosted many workshops taught by world renown therapists such as: Lucy Jane Miller, Sheila Frick, Diana Henry, Helene Polatajko, Beth Osten, Sherri Cawn, Genevieve Jereb, Kim Barthel, Kay Toomey, Teresa May-Benson, Patti Oetter as well as numerous others. She has published in peer reviewed journals and has contributed to several book chapters in occupational therapy references.
Caroline holds a certificate as a Self-Reg® Facilitator and teaches Occupational Performance Coaching as well as organises your next learning opportunity with Choose to Learn. Caroline is currently a PhD student at McGill University